
Senin, 29 Februari 2016

5 Benefits of Garlic for Health and Beauty

5 Benefits of Garlic for Health and Beauty

The Garlic Benefits
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5 Benefits of Garlic for Health and Beauty - As known, garlic has many benefits for human. Garlic is included in family of tubers. Garlic is known in all around the world as cooking spices. The benefit of garlic that makes garlic very popular is the ability of garlic that can prevent cancer.

But it is a pity that garlic has bad smell. For some people is impossible to eat garlic directly caused by its smell. To get the benefits of garlic most people have to combine it for cooking spices, or combined when make omelet.

All from nature has their own benefits, what we have to do is learn what the effect for human body. For Garlic, as known have many benefits for human body. In this article I want to share the benefits of garlic that may be you don’t know.

Here are the Amazing Benefits of Garlic:

1.    The Allicin Content

Garlic is known from long time ago, since the day of ancient Egypt. Allicin content in garlic is one of substance that can be drugs. Allicin is the most component in Garlic. What is Allicin function? Allicin is anti-bacteria substance that contained in garlic.

Many researchers have done to this substance and found that Allicin has good effects for:
  •   Lowering Weight
  •   Thin the Blood
  •   Prevent hypertension
  •   As Anti cancer
  •   As Anti-oxidant
  •   AS antimicrobial

2.    Anti cancer

 Garlic is worthy to be said as anti cancer tubers, sulfide alil content in garlic make it as herbal anti cancer.
One of the clear evidence that researchers discovered is PhlP content, one of the heterocyclic (HCA) one of the substance that can spark breast cancer for woman. From many researches that have been done, diallyl sulfide content in garlic is hampers PhlP growth and the transformation into carcinogen that can eventually lead to breast cancer for woman. 

The important thing, you really need to remember that garlic has anti cancer substance that really effective to prevent cell growth from all kind of cancer that really dangerous for human life.

3.    Lowering High Blood Pressure

This one benefits of garlic is included in benefits that tested by expert. So many researches that show fact garlic very effective lowering high blood pressure around 7-8% (source : WebMD). Even for normal people, garlic can lower the blood pressure. 

4.    Rich Nutrition and Low Calorie

Garlic is one of many herbals that have high nutrition content, and all of the nutrition that contained in garlic is very useful for human health.

Here are the summaries of nutrition that contained in garlic per 136gram:
  • Vitamin C : Meets 71% of daily needs
  • Calcium : Meets 25% of daily needs
  • Iron : Meets 13% of daily needs
  • Carbohydrate (45gr) : Meets 15% of daily needs
  • Fiber(3gr) : Meets 11% of daily needs
Nutrition that contained in garlic is very useful for human health, but the unique thing about garlic is its nutrition that contained in garlic doesn’t have any bad side effect.

Garlic is ascertained can help improve health and make us far away from any disease. 

5.    Source Antivirus / anti-bacterial / A very Powerful Antioxidants

The popular benefit of garlic is the anti oxidant. Garlic is very rich of anti oxidant. Anti oxidant is very needed by human body, not only for prevent, but garlic also known as anti- virus and bacteria.

Those are the benefits of garlic for human health. For you who doesn’t like garlic caused by its smell, you may like garlic caused by its benefits for your health. All nutrition content in garlic is very useful for human heals. Read more articles about the benefits in here

1 komentar:

  1. garlic is really fruitful for health and beauty, it makes your digestive system good and really good for skin beauty
