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Coffee has many kinds, from Arabica, Liberica, Robusta, Dewevrei. They are has their own unique taste but the most people like Liberica because Liberica has the most delicious taste. But not care to the taste, coffee also has many benefits for human health.
Here are some benefits of coffee for human health:
1. Increase Stamina
Coffee has high content of caffeine. Adenosines in human body have function to make sleepy in brain. Caffeine in coffee make cell in human body work slower, so make body fresh much longer.
2. Protect mouth health
Coffee also has anti-bacteria properties that very well for mouth. This is help healing process for cavity, sprue and another oral cavity problem faster. Of course coffee has big change to prevent oral cancer.
3. Prevent Cancer
Anti-oxidant content in coffee help to push the risk of cancer symptom in human body. Research in Japan which is conducted by women that consume coffee twice a day, the risk of colon cancer risk if decrease 25%. this benefit of coffee is same as the benefit of garlic. garlic also has benefit to Prevent Cancer
I always thought coffee was bad for human heath but after going through this blog I regret why I didn’t know this before. I will drink coffee next time to increase my stamina for studying.