
Benefits of Baby Oil That You Must Know

benefits of baby oil that is of course not you guys would have thought of before. Check out whats are the benefits of baby oil?

7 Benefits of Garlic for Health and Beauty

Single garlic which is also often referred to as garlic lanang is one type of garlic. In general, the garlic is composed of multiple cloves, but the single garlic clove consists of only one (single).

5 advantage of consume Green Grape Daily

Grape is name of fruit that almost all people around the world know well. Most people love to consume grape fruit. Just for interlude or daily fruit. Not only the sweet taste but also the benefit of grape that can make human body healthy is why people love to consume grape. Grape itself has 3 species, Red Grape, Black Grape, and Green Grape. Most people love to consume Red and Black grape because they have more sweet taste than green grape.

Senin, 26 Juni 2017

Benefits of Shaving Pubic Hair Male

the purpose of pubic hairs

Benefits of Shaving Pubic Hair Male - The man is concerned there is hair on their heads. Yet very few are paying attention to even take care of pubic hair. Only when they will do a sexual relationship, they begin to pay attention to it. It was only done by a few men alone.

Benefits of Trimming Pubic Hair

In fact, shaving the pubic hair or at least give him many benefits. Can't believe it? Here are some of the benefits that can be obtained by men if shaving their pubic hairand take care of, such as offered by Health Me Up (19/12).

1. Hygiene

Heat, sweat, and bacteria around the crotch area in a private man, especially on thepubic hair. By shaving or at least trimming pubic hair, cleanliness of the personal area will be maintained. This will prevent man from various types of unwanted bacterial infection.

 pros and cons of shaving pubic area male

2. create an erection look larger

Pubic hair often covering Mr. P you. This will make the Mr. P looks smaller than it should be. Pubic hair shaving will make Mr. P looks clear and appear larger. Even when experiencing an erection, Mr p. would be visible at least an inch longer.

3. Look more healthy

Private parts are clean and well maintained will look healthier. Mr. P clean any shows that you are not exposed to any infection. This also helps keep the Mr. P in order to remain healthy. In addition, if there are things that you don't want, such as a red rash, you will more quickly know when Mr. P clean and not covered by pubic hair.

what happens if you don't shave your pubic area

4. More attractive

Pubic hair shaving will make Mr. P looks more clean and attractive. No doubt the pair will be more pleased with Mr P that looks cleaner than it looks slovenly. Pubic hairespecially could make the pair feel free to perform oral sex. For that, make sure you always maintain the cleanliness and appearance of Mr. P with shaved pubic hair.

5. increase the sensitivity

The skin around the private areas have high sensitivity is useful when sexual intercourse. However by the presence of pubic hair that is not well maintained, often skin sensitivity will be reduced, and any sex feels no thrill. By trimming their pubic, the skin will be easily affordable and sex feels more fun.

That's some of the benefits that can be obtained with men shave or at least take care of pubic hair. So don't be lazy to care for him anymore, so that more privateareas clean and healthy.

Jumat, 24 Februari 2017

7 Amazing Benefits of alcohol to health, people rarely know it!

Alcohol and Cancer Risk Fact
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7 Amazing Benefits of alcohol to health, people rarely know it! - The benefits of alcohol for the health of the body is diverse, ranging from mild illness to overcome the illness. Indeed there is not a lot of people know about it, which they know is just another evil of alcohol.

Alcohol can indeed cause a lot of danger for the body, but if consumed in excess. When alcohol is consumed constantly can make a person sleepy, unconscious even drunk.

So, no wonder if the Government makes the rules prevent the release of alcohol in Indonesia. But, nobody expect If alcohol has many benefits for health.

This is proven health experts and doctors who do research on alcohol. Curious with the benefits of alcohol for your life? This is the rare alcohol benefits people know.

Alcohol for Reduce High Blood Pressure

The benefits of alcohol first is capable of lowering high blood pressure when consumed with a low dose. In this condition the alcohol cleans the fat deposits in arterieswhile reducing blood clotting.

Meaning able to decrease the risk of the exposed heart disease and sudden heart attack. But for heart disease are known to be a very deadly disease feared.

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Reduce risk to disease stroke

In addition to reducing high blood pressure, alcohol is also beneficial to minimize the risk to disease stroke. But, the benefit was obtained during the reasonable limit consume alcohol.

The most common type of stroke that strikes a lot of people are ischemic strokes. A stroke is caused due to a blockage of the blood vessels to the brain.

Whereas other types of stroke i.e. hemoragik stroke caused by blood leaking out ofblood vessels in the brain. Surely a stroke can be prevented and minimized, have them consume alcohol with servings just right.

benefits of alcohol for healthy sleep
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Improve sleep quality

The benefits of alcohol next is improving the quality of sleep at night, so excited running activity. Many people who experience sleep disturbances or called insomnia. Alcohol can handle it well because it contains the sleepy effects.

To obtain the benefits, you have to consume alcohol appropriate doses recommended by the doctor. You need to know the recommended dosage to improve sleep quality is nothing more than a glass.

Keep the cardiovascular health

A study revealed that the alcohol in the appropriate levels can increase the levels ofhigh density lipoprotein or good cholesterol.

High levels of good cholesterol can raise protection against heart disease. drinking alcohol in moderate levels also give useful changes i.e. insulin sensitivity the better. This can improve clotting in the blood.

The process is good to prevent small blood clots that could clog arteries in the heart, brain and neck.

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Enhance the warmth of the body

Cold temperatures make body shiver and interfere with health and daily activities. Then, take advantage of alcohol to warm the body. that's why the people of Europe and America with the intensity of winter consume alcohol to warm her body.

benefits of alcohol to increase libido
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Increase libido

The benefits of alcohol next to increase libido are decrease erectile dysfunction up to 25-30%. But, remember drink it should be with the right dose of Yes. Ask for the advice of a doctor when it wants to consume it.

Reduce the risk of diseases of kidney stones

A study from the University of East Anglia reveal alcohol consumption with the normal range could suppress the disease of kidney stones.

That's the alcohol's benefits to the health of the body. Consume alcohol in the exact doses do not overdo it, because of the negative impact to the body. It's interesting talking about the benefits of alcohol.

Jumat, 13 Januari 2017

Benefits of Wear Hijab

benefits of using the veil of islam and science.
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Benefits of using the hijab in islam and science, it turns out that hijab is not just using protect hair from the Sun, because a great many of the benefits that can be gained when we use the veil, both in terms of health, social or political. Well, in this article we will discuss the benefits of using the veil of islam and science.

Benefits of using the Hijab in Islam and science

When God commanded something to creatures impossible without the benefit of it, all the commands of God surely provide tremendous benefits for creatures so that their life for the better. Below are listed some of the benefits of veiled in islam:

1. Congratulations from adzab God (adzab hell)

"There are two kinds of residents of hell never seen before; a group of men holding a whip like cows, their whipping man with him. And those women who are dressed but naked, misguided and misleading, that on them there is something similar to the camel hump. They (the women like this) will not go to heaven and will not smell it. While the smell of paradise that wafted from a far distance "(narrated by Muslim).

Imam An-Nawawi ra. explain that the definition of "women who dressed but naked" are those who close a portion of his body and saw others with the intention of demonstrating her beauty.

"Those women who are dressed but naked" are those who close a portion of his body and saw others with the intention of demonstrating her beauty.

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2. Avoid abuse

The large number of sexual harassment against women is due to the behaviour of their own. Because women constitute slander (temptation). As the words of the Prophet Muhammad.

If women in the age of the Apostles was the largest libel for men whereas women at this age consistently against their hijab and not many evil men at that time, then how the women days now? Surely it will be the target of abuse.

3. Keep the jealousy of men

The nature of jealousy is the nature that have the Almighty God to instill the hearts of men to keep women's self-esteem that became mahramnya. Jealousy is a commendable trait in Islam.

"God is jealous, and the faithful are also jealous. The jealousy of God is if a believer does come up what forbidden him. " (Narrated By Muslim).

If the veil were stripped, jealousy of men will be lost. So if there is no abuse that will defend.

4. Be like the angels in heaven

"In heaven that there are maidens that subjecting his views, they had never touched a man or Jinn ever before." (QS. Ar-Rahman: 56).

"They're like jewels yakut and marjan." (QS. Ar Rahman: 5).

With a veiled, women will have properties like the angels of heaven. I.e. subjecting the view, never touched by the mahramnya, which is not always at home to keep the honor himself. It is this woman is jewelry that is extremely valuable.

With a veiled, women will have properties like the angels of heaven.

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disease caused by exposed to sunlight directly
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Benefits of Veiled In Science View

Well, this is just a small part of the benefits of veiled in islam. Now let's look at the benefits of veiled in science:

1. prevents from skin disease

It turns out the hijab prevents it from various skin diseases, as most skin diseases caused by the Sun. The energy contained in sunlight UV rays i.e. the light disappeared and has 3 different wavelengths, i.e., waves A, B, c. A Wave can cause skin burn when exposed to x-rays in a long time, then the wave B can cause cancer of the skin exposed to the Sun after several years and wave C is the wave of the rays of the most dangerous and deadly. The wave C is often used in sterilization due to powerful in killing bacteria or a virus. Then the veil is the solution in protecting skin from the Sun.

Below are some of the possible disease caused by exposed to sunlight directly:

a) Surburn (sunburn)

Subrurn is burns due to sunburn that is simply applied to exceed durability of leather. This one disease usually occurs in people who are bright-skinned, because the durability of the Peel is only able to survive from the rays of the Sun about a quarter hour, while dark-skinned able to survive the Sun's shine about 3-4 hours.

b) Solar keratoses (inflammation of the outer skin for the Sun)

This one disease usually occurs because often exposed to the Sun. Its shape is like the rough scales